Friday, December 30, 2005

Super Erections

Ever wondered if you could create a “super erection” by taking pills for a time – something like steroids for your penis? Or are you concerned about your sexual performance and want to do something quiet about it? You wouldn’t be alone, as most men have or will try a penis enhancement pill (or product) at some point in their lives.

The penis pill originated from the "love herbs" and other creations that were popular during the 1970s and 1980s. Natural penis enhancement pills are composed of combinations of herbs and other compounds designed to increase erections when taken for an extended period of time – usually three to six months.

There are a number of natural herbs and extracts that can supercharge the performance of a man’s erection, giving men with erectile problems a means to overcome and deal with the dysfunction. Increasing the blood circulation to the penis, increasing the chemical factors involved in sustaining maximum volume, and consistently delivering those nutrients to the penile tissues that cause them to become more elastic is a sure fire road to super erections!

Listed below are some of the more common ingredients used for this purpose.

Combinations of these stimulants have long been known to enhance sexual performance, due to their tendency to either circulation, strengthen the vascular system, or to in some way increase free testosterone in the body. Cultures from South America, Africa, and Asia have long recommended various herbs and herbal combinations to combat flagging sex drive and lost performance due to sickness.

Leading manufacturers have taken up where the love herbs left off in the 80’s, using medical science to create more effective combinations of herbs, and making penis pills available on a wider scale. When medical science is coupled with the wisdom passed down from civilizations for thousands of years, the result has been penis enlargement pills that are an effective alternative to dangerous penile surgery.

Many different manufacturers produce penis enhancing compounds, but only a few brands come out on top. One of the top performers is produced by the Albion Medical Group, and has helped 1000's of men cope with and conquer serious erectile dysfunction issues.

Read the rest of this article on super erections here

This article has been provided to Penis Growth Information by Erection


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