Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Extender Design and Safety

One of the important questions (and most frequently asked) is "how safe is it? Men want to be sure that any device that they place on their penis, especially something mechanical, is not going to cause problems. Most people would agree; it's wise to know all you can about any medical process before you commit and begin.

Penis extenders usually follow a similar design and the best models tend to conform to a design like the one outlined below.

Extender design

Most extenders consist of the following parts. The base of the unit (which is pressed against the body) consists of a plastic ring, usually designed with a notch for the urethra (for comfort). A pair of metal bars (spanner bars) attaches to the base and act as the main support for the unit, often containing a spring in the better quality units.

Read the rest of this article on design and safety here

This article has been provided to Penis Growth Information by Penile Extenders.com


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