Penis Enlargement Workout Advice, What's Working For Me.
These workout advice articles are provided by
Men's Network Forum at Penis Health and are not checked for spelling errors so please be aware of this. The articles are written by people who are actually using natural penis enlargement techniques. All the exercises that are mentioned can be found in the natural penis enlargement programs that are mentioned on this site. Some of the articles also talk about penis enlargement pills, the
top penis enlargement pills are also available to view on
this site.
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Anyways, I started doing PE three weeks ago and finally decided to register onto the program after perusing the Forum for about said amount of time as well. I must say, it is very informative and educational too, with members offering their ideas and tips to help out others! Well, I am happy to report that after three weeks of doing PE that I have made gains in length and a little in girth, too! Upon reading that there is a contest for
Pro Solution Pills, I figured that I would share my tips and routine and maybe somebody might find a bit of it useful for them, and hopefully win!
1. The first and probably one of the most important steps is the Warm Up. I use a facecloth (or a handtowel) and run it under hot water and wrap my bud 'n balls for 1 Minute. Then, I reheat the cloth and heat 'em up again. I do it 5-6 times, enough so that I'm loose and the blood is flowing.
2. Stretching. Next, I do a series of stretches.
a) The first one that I do is I sit down and grab a kleenex and wrap it behind the head. I grab with an reverse OK grip (thumb/finger towards base) and stretch down for 10 Minutes, getting a good, hard pull. Now, my hand will ache after a few minutes, so I will switch hands, using the same grip. But here's a tip. Before resuming the stretch with your other hand, I Warm UP for 1 Minute, then continue. I feel I get a really good stretch! And I keep at it until 10 minutes is up!
b) Since I don't get a really good stretch doing the regular Length Exercises, (that I feel personally anyhows, but everybody's different) I stand up and raise a leg onto the counter. I reach behind and under my leg and grab my bud and stretch him. I get a better stretch doing it this way. I do this stretch for 5 Minutes, not letting up. Then I switch legs, (lift the other leg), but before I stretch my bud for another 5 Minutes, I Warm Up again for 1 Minute. Also, at the last 15 seconds of the stretch before the 5 Minutes are up, I do the Power Stretch, flexing my PC for 20 seconds. So, for a total of 20 Minutes of Stretching!
3. Jelquing. For Jelquing, I do it for 30 Minutes (or approx. 450 Jelqs). Each Jelq is about 2-4 seconds from start to finish. Here's another tip! Instead of using the regular OK grip I use an overhand OK grip (pinky towards the head) because I find that I can grip closer to the bottom of my bud than using the regular grip since the three fingers get in the way of grabbing the base close. On the pressure scale, I go at about an 8 out of 10, and I can really feel the blood being pushed into the head, with nowhere for it to go. Feels good. But every once in awhile, I switch back to the regular OK grip just to shock my bud from being handled in a different way. Also, here's another tip when you Jelq. Just before gripping at the bottom of your bud, squeeze your PC to get some extra blood into it and then do your Jelq. This way, you do two exercises, and also get more blood in your bud to really expand yourself.
4. Girth. As for girth, I do the Ferrari Trios. These are wicked!
I do Girth exercises for 5 Minutes!
5. Testicle Treats. While I am still lubed up I do Testicle Treats for about 5 Minutes. Can't leave my balls out y'know!
6. Warm Up (or Down) To finish off I hop into the shower and cool my bud 'n balls down with a shower that is as hot as I (or them) can tolerate!
Later on in the evening I do the two foreskin restoration exercises, each for about 20 reps!
And this is my routine! My schedule is 3 on 1 off, 3 on 2 off, because this is (at least to me anyways) a really beat-my-bud-to-death program. But it is working, so...why tinker with it?
Here are some more useful tips, I hope:
1. After showering and drying off, I apply some Vitamin-E
to my bud to soothe and repair those stretched skin from
the vigourous exercises.
2. I also take L-Argine pills.
3. Always listen to what your bud is telling you...if your floggin
him too much, ease off. Pain is something to be avoided if
4. Don't overstretch your bud, you want a good hard stretch,
but not where you pull a ligament and cause it to retract
and possibly form scar tissue, thus maybe leading to
Peyronie Disease. Be smart and safe, you only got one!
This post has been supplied to
Penis Growth Information by our friends at
Penis Health