Sunday, October 30, 2005

Penis Exercise, Restoring Foreskin

If you wish to restore your foreskin to get heightened sensitivity then these methods can help you achieve this. Both methods are done without any lubrication so it is essential that you are very careful and only do the exercises for the allotted time as stated, these exercises are an addition to a workout.

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Foreskin Restoration is the primary exercise that we have that will help to restore the foreskin. It should be noted that this process takes a lot of time but can in the long term increase sensitivity of the penis. This exercise comes with demo videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate.

Get the Full Foreskin Restoration Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

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Dry Jelq Method should be used in conjunction with the "Foreskin Restoration" exercise listed above. It should be noted that this process takes a lot of time but can in the long term increase sensitivity of the penis. This exercise comes with demo videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate.

Get the Full Dry Jelq Method Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

All of these exercises are available within the Penis Health members area. Get your very own lifetime membership today and start increasing your penis size.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Penis Exercise, Straightening a curved penis

Many men become unhappy when they have a curve in their penis. In 99% of these cases there is nothing to worry about. A curve can actually get to other places that a straight penis can not reach. There is a disease called "Peyronie's disease" which can cause a bend in the penis. It is quite easy to spot because a build of plaque will form around the penis base. This section just deals with straightening a general curve in the penis. We only add exercises that work and have been tested.

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The curved jelq exercise is usually done by the more experienced users but can be done by anyone. As per usual lubrication is needed for this exercise. This exercise comes with demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate. If you require a custom workout plan then please use the free consultation.

Get the Full Curved Jelq Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

All of these exercises are available within the Penis Health members area. Get your very own lifetime membership today and start increasing your penis size.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Penis Exercise, penis length exercises

We will only ever list exercises that work. There are loads of length exercises that we could list but we have tried and tested them and have listed only the ones that work. The major length exercises are already covered in the following sections "Long Shlong Exercises" and "The Jelq & Variations". The exercises below are usually used to add variation to a program or by the more advanced user.

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The Double Hand is a length exercise aimed at the more advanced user. This exercise also helps slightly with girth. This exercise comes with full demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate.

Get the Full Double Hand Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

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The Power Stretch is a length exercise aimed at the more advanced user. This exercise is two exercise in one because the PC muscle is exercised as well. This exercise comes with full demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate.

Get the Full Power Stretch Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

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The Sit Down Stretch is a stretching exercise that helps primarily with flaccid length gains. Flaccid size can give a man more confidence when naked. This exercise comes with full demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate.

Get the Full Sit Down Stretch Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

All of these exercises are available within the Penis Health members area. Get your very own lifetime membership today and start increasing your penis size.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Penis Exercise, Controlling Ejaculation

The ejaculation control exercises are all about increasing the strength of your PC muscle. By increasing this strength you will be able to control when you ejaculate and your erections will be harder. It has been medically proven that the PC muscle when at its peak fitness can add up to 0.5 inch to your girth.

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The PC Flex Basic is the most basic of PC exercises. Usually only one of the PC exercises is done per a workout. The PC exercise can be done while driving. This exercise comes with full demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate. If you require a custom workout plan then please use the free consultation.

Get the Full PC Flex Basic Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

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The Long PC Flex is usually done by more advanced users. Usually only one of the PC exercises is done per a workout. This exercise comes with full demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate. If you require a custom workout plan then please use the free consultation.

Get the Full Long PC Flex Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

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The PC Squeeze and Hold is usually done by more advanced users. Usually only one of the PC exercises is done per a workout. This exercise comes with full demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate. If you require a custom workout plan then please use the free consultation.

Get the Full PC Squeeze and Hold Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

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The PC Weighting must only be done by the more advanced users (4 weeks at least). Usually only one of the PC exercises is done per a workout. This exercise comes with full demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate. If you require a custom workout plan then please use the free consultation.

Get the Full PC Weighting Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

All of these exercises are available within the Penis Health members area. Get your very own lifetime membership today and start increasing your penis size.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Penis Exercise, Increasing penis Girth

The girth exercise section may seem a bit empty, but not so. You must remember that the PC exercises help with girth gains. Also the Jelq set of exercises help greatly in increasing the girth. A few of the length specific exercises also help with girth. We will only list the girth exercises that work.

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The Horizontal Movement exercise is usually done by the more experienced users but can be done by anyone. As per usual lubrication is needed for this exercise. This exercise comes with demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate. If you require a custom workout plan then please use the free consultation.

Get the Full Horizantal Movement Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

Other Girth exercises are the Ferrari Mega, Pump Ferrari Head, Squeezes Ferrari and Slider Blasters. These are only available inside of the Penis Health Members area.

Get the Full Other Girth Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

All of these exercises are available within the Penis Health members area. Get your very own lifetime membership today and start increasing your penis size.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Penis Exercise, The Jelq

The Jelq is one of the most popular penis enlargement exercises and the benefits that the Jelq can bring are numerous. Length and girth gains can both be obtained from using this exercise. The variations are meant for more experienced users and as per usual lubrication should be used always.

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The Standard Jelq should be mastered before you do any of the variations. This exercise comes with demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate. Only one of the jelq exercises should be done per a workout. If you require a custom workout plan then please use the free consultation.

Get the Full Standard Jelq Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

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The Jelq And Hold is an advanced variation done by advanced users only (over 4 week member). This exercise comes with demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate. Only one of the jelq exercises should be done per a workout. If you require a custom workout plan then please use the free consultation.

Get the Full Jelq And Hold Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

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The Advanced Jelq is an advanced variation done by advanced users only (over 4 week member). This exercise comes with demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate. Only one of the jelq exercises should be done per a workout. If you require a custom workout plan then please use the free consultation.

Get the Full Advanced Jelq Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

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The One Handed Jelq is an advanced variation done by advanced users only (over 4 week member). This exercise comes with demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate. Only one of the jelq exercises should be done per a workout. If you require a custom workout plan then please use the free consultation.

Get the Full One Handed Jelq Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

All of these exercises are available within the Penis Health members area. Get your very own lifetime membership today and start increasing your penis size.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Penis Exercise, Increasing the penis length

The Long Shlong (yes it is spelt right!) is basically a set of exercises designed to stretch and enlarge the penis. This exercise is a length exercise but can also help with the overall fitness of the penis. By stretching your penis you are stretching the cells and tissues in the penis. By stretching these such cells you are allowing more space for more blood, thus increasing the length when either limp or erect.

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The Long Shlong is the most basic of length exercises but one of the most effective. Lubrication is not needed for this exercise but please warm-up before starting. This exercise comes with full demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate.

Get the Full Long Shlong Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

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The Long Shlong Heli is a variation of the above exercise. Lubrication is not needed for this exercise but please warm-up before starting. This exercise comes with full demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate.

Get the Full Long Shlong Heli Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

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The Double Hand Shlong is for the more advanced user. Lubrication is not needed for this exercise but please warm-up before starting. This exercise comes with full demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate.

Get the Full Double Hand Shlong Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

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The Pressured Shlong is very basic but is the most effective stretching exercise. Lubrication is not needed for this exercise but please warm-up before starting. This exercise comes with full demonstration videos and a set of pictures to make sure you do the exercises 100% accurate.

Get the Full Pressured Shlong Penis Exercise techniques exclusively at Penis Health

All of these exercises are available within the Penis Health members area. Get your very own lifetime membership today and start increasing your penis size.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Free Penis Enlargement Exercise 3

Penis Enlargement Workout Advice, What's Working For Me.

These workout advice articles are provided by Men's Network Forum at Penis Health and are not checked for spelling errors so please be aware of this. The articles are written by people who are actually using natural penis enlargement techniques. All the exercises that are mentioned can be found in the natural penis enlargement programs that are mentioned on this site. Some of the articles also talk about penis enlargement pills, the top penis enlargement pills are also available to view on this site.

All the penis enlargement exercises mentioned in this post are described fully with videos and photos inside the member's area of Penis Health. Grab a lifetime membership today for only $48.95.

Anyways, I started doing PE three weeks ago and finally decided to register onto the program after perusing the Forum for about said amount of time as well. I must say, it is very informative and educational too, with members offering their ideas and tips to help out others! Well, I am happy to report that after three weeks of doing PE that I have made gains in length and a little in girth, too! Upon reading that there is a contest for Pro Solution Pills, I figured that I would share my tips and routine and maybe somebody might find a bit of it useful for them, and hopefully win!

1. The first and probably one of the most important steps is the Warm Up. I use a facecloth (or a handtowel) and run it under hot water and wrap my bud 'n balls for 1 Minute. Then, I reheat the cloth and heat 'em up again. I do it 5-6 times, enough so that I'm loose and the blood is flowing.

2. Stretching. Next, I do a series of stretches.

a) The first one that I do is I sit down and grab a kleenex and wrap it behind the head. I grab with an reverse OK grip (thumb/finger towards base) and stretch down for 10 Minutes, getting a good, hard pull. Now, my hand will ache after a few minutes, so I will switch hands, using the same grip. But here's a tip. Before resuming the stretch with your other hand, I Warm UP for 1 Minute, then continue. I feel I get a really good stretch! And I keep at it until 10 minutes is up!

b) Since I don't get a really good stretch doing the regular Length Exercises, (that I feel personally anyhows, but everybody's different) I stand up and raise a leg onto the counter. I reach behind and under my leg and grab my bud and stretch him. I get a better stretch doing it this way. I do this stretch for 5 Minutes, not letting up. Then I switch legs, (lift the other leg), but before I stretch my bud for another 5 Minutes, I Warm Up again for 1 Minute. Also, at the last 15 seconds of the stretch before the 5 Minutes are up, I do the Power Stretch, flexing my PC for 20 seconds. So, for a total of 20 Minutes of Stretching!

3. Jelquing. For Jelquing, I do it for 30 Minutes (or approx. 450 Jelqs). Each Jelq is about 2-4 seconds from start to finish. Here's another tip! Instead of using the regular OK grip I use an overhand OK grip (pinky towards the head) because I find that I can grip closer to the bottom of my bud than using the regular grip since the three fingers get in the way of grabbing the base close. On the pressure scale, I go at about an 8 out of 10, and I can really feel the blood being pushed into the head, with nowhere for it to go. Feels good. But every once in awhile, I switch back to the regular OK grip just to shock my bud from being handled in a different way. Also, here's another tip when you Jelq. Just before gripping at the bottom of your bud, squeeze your PC to get some extra blood into it and then do your Jelq. This way, you do two exercises, and also get more blood in your bud to really expand yourself.

4. Girth. As for girth, I do the Ferrari Trios. These are wicked!
I do Girth exercises for 5 Minutes!

5. Testicle Treats. While I am still lubed up I do Testicle Treats for about 5 Minutes. Can't leave my balls out y'know!

6. Warm Up (or Down) To finish off I hop into the shower and cool my bud 'n balls down with a shower that is as hot as I (or them) can tolerate!

Later on in the evening I do the two foreskin restoration exercises, each for about 20 reps!

And this is my routine! My schedule is 3 on 1 off, 3 on 2 off, because this is (at least to me anyways) a really beat-my-bud-to-death program. But it is working, so...why tinker with it?

Here are some more useful tips, I hope:

1. After showering and drying off, I apply some Vitamin-E
to my bud to soothe and repair those stretched skin from
the vigourous exercises.

2. I also take L-Argine pills.

3. Always listen to what your bud is telling you...if your floggin
him too much, ease off. Pain is something to be avoided if

4. Don't overstretch your bud, you want a good hard stretch,
but not where you pull a ligament and cause it to retract
and possibly form scar tissue, thus maybe leading to
Peyronie Disease. Be smart and safe, you only got one!

This post has been supplied to Penis Growth Information by our friends at Penis Health

Friday, October 14, 2005

Free Penis Enlargement Exercise 2

Penis Enlargement Workout Advice, Program For Hard Gainers.

These workout advice articles are provided by Men's Network Forum at Penis Health and are not checked for spelling errors so please be aware of this. The articles are written by people who are actually using natural penis enlargement techniques. All the exercises that are mentioned can be found in the natural penis enlargement programs that are mentioned on this site. Some of the articles also talk about penis enlargement pills, the top penis enlargement pills are also available to view on this site.

All the penis enlargement exercises mentioned in this post are described fully with videos and photos inside the member's area of Penis Health. Grab a lifetime membership today for only $48.95.

Hey guys,

Here is an outline of what is working for me:

I joined Penis Health in December 5, 2002 but I didn’t start the program for about a week or so after. I read through the program and allot of the other information on the site first. I printed off the workout log books to use and track my exercises. I was a little cautious at first mainly because I didn’t want to hurt myself so I started with the (beginner workout 7-10 mins) followed the schedule exactly checking off each day as I went. I did that workout for two weeks and then switched to (beginner workout 20-25 mins) and repeated it the same as the first for two weeks. I was also taking Invigorex pills at the same time. I hadn’t seen any gains yet but it was feeling stronger. At the time I wasn’t sure just how hard I should be putting pressure on myself when doing the exercises but I was keeping it about a five to a seven on a scale of ten for discomfort.

At this point I sent in for my free consultation, my main goal was for more length but girth as well and this is the workout I received:

The wake up cloth 3 minute
The Long Shlong 5 minute
The Jelq 5 minute
Pressured Long Shlong 5 minute
Jelq and hold 6 minute
PC Weighted 4 minute
The wake up cloth 2 minute

While I was waiting for the free consultation I went on to the next workout on the next schedule (beginner workout 35-40 mins). I was using that routine for about a week and then I received the consultation. I used this for about a week but didn’t really care for it and didn’t feel it was working as well as it should have as I was starting to see a difference in flaccid state. I decided to go back to the beginner workout 35 to 40 mins but I combined the two and am now using it like this:

The wake up cloth 3 min
The Long Shlong Heli 8 min
The Jelq and hold 10 min
The power stretch 6 min
Horizontal movement 5 min
PC Weighted 3 min
The wake up cloth 3 min (I am still doing PC flex’s)
For hard gainers we need to be doing more intense workouts then the average person to get the gains we want but you need to ease into them like I did. I work out allot and I looked at it in a similar manner. If I’m just starting a workout in a gym I would start by doing light weights and good form until your muscles and tendons get used to the extra strain. I looked at the Penis Exercises the same way although anatomically the two body parts are completely different. Your penis needs to get used to the stretching and pulling so take your time and ease into it. I haven’t been at it as long as some of you guys and haven’t seen the gains that some of you have but in the seven weeks I considered the first two to three weeks as getting in shape for the program. When I started the more intense workouts, I had gained ½ an inch in length within the first two weeks. I still haven’t seen allot of girth gains yet but I know its coming.

My workouts are 3 days on and one off and then two days on and one off. I will do these for about five to six weeks and then I will take four or five days off to rest my partner and then get back at it again. I’ll make sure I keep everyone posted on what’s going on and how my gains are going.

The biggest thing I’ve had to learn is patience


This post has been supplied to Penis Growth Information by our friends at Penis Health

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Free Penis Enlargement Exercise 1

Penis Enlargement Workout Advice, Top Tips.

These workout advice articles are provided by Men's Network Forum at Penis Health and are not checked for spelling errors so please be aware of this. The articles are written by people who are actually using natural penis enlargement techniques. All the exercises that are mentioned can be found in the natural penis enlargement programs that are mentioned on this site. Some of the articles also talk about penis enlargement pills, the top penis enlargement pills are also available to view on this site.

All the penis enlargement exercises mentioned in this post are described fully with videos and photos inside the member's area of Penis Health. Grab a lifetime membership today for only $48.95.

1. very important is to make sure you warm up.

2. pc flexes throughout the day are a good idea it helps maintain an erection i had erections problems b4 but now they are getting better.

3. workout 20-40min do not kill yourself on your workouts. dont overtrain some people do that that is why they see no results. always take days off. its like when u lift weights u can bench heavy everyday it wouldnt work got me?

4. dont give up it takes times.

5. good worout is warm up stretch 12min. 200-300 reps of jelg. the ferrari trio 10 reps of each. workout doesnt take that long once u get use to it trst me and i got thicker using it my workout is only 25min i would say. still working on length but i got abou a fourth in thicker about a half in just a couple of weeks.

6. eat there foods apples...makes your semen taste sweeter real fact. oatmeal anything with oats is good for your penis. chicken..release testimone in your blood stream helps erections a lot..everynight b4 u go to sleep drink a tall glass of water really helps with sex stamina and erections also a proven facts and works for me.

7.keep masturbation down its hard to but i try lol.
someone posted this else where but if u workout in all flaccid state you get betetr results i just tried that and im on it it has been keeping my penis staying thick and longer this past week and a half. i swtched my routines i do two days on and one off. its best if u are going to work out the same part but do it with a different exercise. just like when u curl u do it one way one day and the next time you want to do it another. this helps technique and results and trust my penis has gotte a lot stronger.

well thats about it if anything comes to mind ill post it up but hey penis enlargement pills will help gains thats why i wanna be in the hunt lol good luck everyone and try my tips please they really do work this is not just a post trust me if u have success please reply and tell everyone and spread the word like i did good luck everyone and good luck myself lol.

This post has been supplied to Penis Growth Information by our friends at Penis Health

Sunday, October 02, 2005

World Record for the Biggest Penis

Men have always considered their penis size as an important factor in their sexual and psychological health. With an enlarged penis comes self-confidence, more active social and sexual life, and, of course, a certain amount of edge in the ongoing subconscious battle for the position of the alpha male. Consequently, the question on many men's minds is probably as to who has the largest human penis. Many studies have attempted to answer this question, but the results have been conflicting. Of course, the matter of man's penis size is not a very ideal subject for objective study. The reason is that all men of the human specie want to claim the honor of having the largest penis. Moreover, countless ways exist nowadays to keep artificially augmenting the natural endowement of any man. Thus, it has become harder and harder to determine the answer to this important question.

For the man's most pressing sexual concern, the first thing to be done is determine if his penis size at least meets the averages. There are several statistics dealing with today's average penis sizes. Generally, Caucasian males have penis sizes averaging about 6.2 inches long, with the approximate circumference of 3.2 inches.
Read the rest of this study on Biggest Penis here

This study was provided to Penis Growth Information by Penis Health. Gain inches naturally using proven Penis Enlargement Exercises.